Monday, July 03, 2006

Is BB destroying lives for its own benefit?

From the footage I have seen, it seems pretty clear to me that although Camilla did not explicitly say so, she was consentful to the whole event. Although John held her down, he did not do so with force and all housemates involved understood that there was not the slightest air of malice in the 'practical joke'. At no point does she seem to have lost trust in her friends. Even in her own words, when Camilla told John and Ash to stop, they stopped. She was given the chance from big brother to make a complaint but she refused because she did not think it was a serious issue.

I'm not defending the actions of John and Ash, what they did was obscene. I do however feel that the way the BB producers handled the incident should be put under scutiny.

It was the Big Brother producers themselves that decided, without consultation with the victim, to remove the two boys from the house. The producers must surely have been aware that dismissing two housemates from the house for the first time in the show's history (apart from Warrick Capper) would generate huge scrutiny over what caused the immediate eviction.

The Police were given the opportunity to investigate the incident but found there was no evidence to suggest a sexual assault even though there is substantial footage documenting the event.

However, the extreme media focus on John and Ash that their surprise eviction brought, will mean that they will have to live the rest of their lives infamously for having been involved in alleged "sexual misconduct" on a TV show broadcast nationally.

Imagine what its going to be like for them from now on, trying to get a job, promotions or scholarships, making new friends or reestablishing trust with old friends. It will be extremely hard for them and I think its quite unfair. They will be forever tagged with this incident, even though at the end of the day, they had consent from Camilla. Their lives could be ruined.

The details of the event should have been dealt with behind close doors and should never have been brought to the public's attention. The producers of the show know perfectly well what effect the housemates exposure to the public already has on the contestants' lives once they return to the outside world.

If they truly considered the incident was as serious as they have made it out to be, they would have made the resolution of the issue their complete priority and temporarily ceased production of the show. It seems to me that their creative advisors were being consulted more heavily then their legal advisors and even less thought was given to the reputations of two men under question.

You have to seriously question whether they have used the event as a publicity stunt to bolster their ratings. If so, what they have done is far more morally corrupt then the actions of Ashley and John.


Anonymous said...

i would just like to say that everyone is going off at the boys but if you watch the footage after the turkey slap what does camilla do she continues to stay in the bed and leans towards john and where does she put her left hand?, for gods sake people if they took the boys off she should have been removed as well because as they say you can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink well they might have led camilla to the bed but they didnt make her get in did they??? watch the footage the whole footage and make up your own mind.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the sentiments that Ash and John have been treated with contempt by Big Brother. Sexual assualt is a serious charge that needs to be taken seriously and dealt with in private, so as not to undervalue it. Camilla did not feel like she had been assualted and the actual footage shows that she was not. At the most the incident could be labelled as sexual harassment, but only if Camilla herself identified it as that.
I am not a lawyer, but i think both Ash and John should have grounds to sue for defamation against media outlets and deserve an apology from Channel 10 for using them as pawns to gain ratings.

Anonymous said...

I agree that John & Ash were treated horribly by Big Brother. Thats why I am saying its time to go BB's Executive Producer Tim Toni. Ever since he came aboard the series has never measured up to the original its been full of contradictions & nastiness; its easy to blame the host but he pulls the strings and should be held responsible for what has occured.

Anonymous said...

I suggest that you consult the Crimes Act & the definition of indecent assault before making a determination if their actions amount to a crime.

Then making an informed decision I think you will agree that their actions do amount to criminal conduct.

theguycalledtom said...

So are you saying the Police have got it wrong?

Anonymous said...

yea where can i get the video? im yet to see it.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Mr Crimes Act - indecent assault requires lack of consent - it's not an absolute offence. If the recipient consented, expressly or, by her conduct, impliedly, then there's no assault. That's why her conduct on the night in question is so relevant.

Anonymous said...

people. any moron with 2 braincells can see that the whole event was done with humour and jesting. That the act has been labelled 'obscene' is itself debatable. That it can be degrading, can be argued. Sexual intercourse has two opposite sides to it, it can be consentual, beautiful and enjoyed by all parties, or it can be violent, ugly and devastating. in the same light, what happened can be taken from 2 sides, and where it comes from depends on the motives and actions of those involved. If Camilla had really taken offence, you would have heard it in her voice and seen it in her actions, none of which happen - she actually is joking about what they did even before they did it, and any fool can see it's consensual 'fooling around' and teasing between 3 adults.

That John and Ash have been accused of such a malicious crime, especially in this day and age where there is such a harsh public reaction to any sexaul related crime badge, means this false accusation will stick with them for many years, especially as most of the public won't do them the honour of watching the footage and making up their own minds. In my opinion it is gross misconduct by channel 10 and as has been said, they have obviously just used this as an excuse to push ratings by treading guillessly over 2 boys lives in the process. it is sick and i am seriously disgusted by their pseudo-righteousness and hipocrisy.

Anonymous said...

i agree later in life if john and ashley try to make new friends they are just going to be known as the guys who were kicked off big brother for sexually harrasing someone.
I have personally thought camila should have gone a very long time ago and to this day i still think the same.

Anonymous said...

Your all wrong. John and Ash deserved the penelty they were given. That will teach them in future not to treat women like peices of meat. How dare they do that to her. Camilla should be sueing John and Ashley for Sexual Harrasment and Big Brother was well with in there rights to expell the boys for breaching the rules of Big Brother.
They deserve not to get the prizes, and the label they both carry around them, let it stick.
I don't understand how everyone is rallying around poor John and Ash when the person I feel sorry for is Carmilla. I wonder if John and Ashley would like to have their face slapped with a germ infested penis ( for fun of course )Grow up!

Anonymous said...

In the clip camilla is grabbing johns dick She should have also been removed.

Anonymous said...

go get fucked you fucking idiots..she consented by her actions ...look at the footage...and the one thing that you are all forgetting is that BB streaming is on time delay so why didnt BB stop the footage from being seems that after public outrage that BB decided to oust the boys not before...and by the way the boys are back promoting BB around the country so what go and pull off you wankers...throbrod