Saturday, July 01, 2006

Australian BB Makes History



Anonymous said...

omg, wtf happened john could have won

Anonymous said...

Ok! I have heard a few rumors, most likely this is what happen. John and Ashley were in that joking boy mood and held camilla down and "turkey slapped" her meaning slapped her with their penis.. yeah sorta inappropriate. The other rumor that I dont exactly believe is that BB06 has been axed, the remaining 8 housemates share prize money and the eviction tonight will be replaced by the simpsons... sounds suss to me anywho have you heard any?

Anonymous said...

Im glad that the two who attempted forced oral sex were kicked out before they raped her

Anonymous said...

Really who gives a F#%k

Anonymous said...

Shut the freaking place down and put something decent on instead like Boobah or Teletubbies!

Anonymous said...

What "Social experiment" Big Brother feeds them alcohol and forces sleep degredation upon them. Well WHAT a surprise that it has gone too far! The BB producers are the real culprits and need to be forced to walk the plank.

Anonymous said...

If people don't like it, they shouldn't watch it. I am so over the Barnaby Joyce's of this world going on and on about this stuff influencing our children. Obviously he has a control issue in his house. My children don't stay up late to watch BB, and they don't stay up late to watch the Sunday night movie. It is my choice to watch BB and I believe I should have this choice. If I want to watch X-rated pornography in my own home I have the right to hire videos or DVD's. If my husband wants to watch nothing but men beating the crap out of one another in live telecasted sporting events, then he has the right. Get over yourselves politicians, don't tell me what I can and can't do. There are enough tv channels to keep everyone happy.

Anonymous said...

yeah i so totally agree. But obviously big brother has lost control. i will highly doubt after this incident bb will be back nxt year.. Cause anyway the characters in boobah are just as intelligent as the characters in bigbrother..

Anonymous said...

If they did that and they forced her then they deserved to be kicked out. I don't believe the show should be axed or taken off the air unless it was actually shown on TV.
Mrs Draper neeeds a really good fuck.

Anonymous said...

omg, do really beleive if that happened to you would you still stay in the surroundings, i think not. even though the boys are out, the first thing i would be doing is leaving myself. yet camilla hasn't so how much is trus and what we all don't know is what really happened. a joke that has been blown out of control i think!!

Anonymous said...

I am led to believe there are pics of the incident on a US website. It would be interesting to see them, but no doubt Big Brother has tracked these down to ensure the truth doen't get out!

Anonymous said...

It has definitely put a dampener on the house, and I'm sure remaining house meets feel like shit right now. Assault is assault, and whether it was 'just' a slap it is still an intrusion on Camilla's personal space. It doesn't mean she should leave or act how YOU think she should act. If she stays in the house it is her way of dealing with it... it doesn't make it WRONG, nor does it indicate that what happened to her was any more or less worse. I don't think the whole show should be axed. People make their own choices about how they act, we can then only act in response to that (and BB did this by removing the guys from the house). What I would like to see though is more of a report from BB on their site. We watch the show like a soapie and we want to know what happens to ALL characters and why they are 'cut' from the script.

Anonymous said...

Camilla is the one who has said she has wanted a root so to me she is a little ugly slut and got what she deserved.

Anonymous said...

I am so sick of politicians thinking they can determine what we should and shouldn't watch. Ms Draper is a wowser of the worst kind. I don't want someone like her (ultra conservative, hysterical) deciding what is entertainment for me. John and Ash did the wrong thing and so were booted out. She doesn't have to watch. Parents need to be responsible for children- if they don't want them to watch they shouldn't let them. EASY!

Anonymous said...

You wanna see the pictures come click here and youll get a good look at what happened.

Anonymous said...

Thanks - they look hot

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So what, the poor guy tried to give her a mouthfull of tadpole soup, which she desreves and now he is getting arsed from the show. She is the one who mouths off about spreading her legs for everyone and now she is going to be made out as the victim.
Tell me she hasnt done this before the dirty little slag !!!!

Anonymous said...

So Camilla "asked for it" because she talks dirty? You folks are dangerous - are you "young men of Middle eastern appearance" by any chance?

Anonymous said...

Everyone here is posting that we should have freedom to watch or not watch BB etc, yet those ppl feel the need to judge Camilla just because she's a chick that has 'a past' are hypocrites! if this was two footy players for example there would be a masive controversy because they are supposed to be 'role models' etc- why should it be any different for Ash and John? They should be held accountable regardless- if Cam didnt want the 'slap', then doesnt matter if it was a joke or not. Who cares how many ppl someone has 'done' or not 'done', having a penis waved in your face is gross if you dont ask for it - and obviously John and Ash never wanted a part of Camilla any other time during the show, so it's not like they even 'like' her. The fact they did it together just means they are bullies also! If Camilla went around waving her boobs or flaps in ppls (boys) faces when not asked for would be no different, and ppl would think it was just as gross and realise what an invasion something like this is. All the fellas would say she was a slut and disrespect her. I think its a shame Ash and john had no idea what a stupid thing they did, but still doesnt make it okay that they did it...

Anonymous said...

Was really stupid to do what they did. I wonder if that's the last we see BB???

Anonymous said...

just stfu, u all want a turkey slap.

Anonymous said...

Leif is a coon

Anonymous said...

I'm not as shocked as some that this happened. Ash is a knuckle-dragging rock ape with the IQ of a small furry creature, and it was clear from Day 1 that John wasn't right. The only shame is that they had to terrorise a fellow housemate to be exposed as the sub-human morons they really are.

Anonymous said...

sorry leif

Anonymous said...

I hope is not the end of BB, but sadly think it will be... shame though, this is like my footy season or something. And I dont know much about "Ash's" life outside the house, but seems is probably more than he needs to deal with... anyone know the story on him anyway?

Anonymous said...

man a chick gets a turkey slap and we all go crazy, man get into BB in switzerland they are slamming all day long. penis's, boobs, vags's, dogy even a dirty sanchez... Grow up like ull never try this shit..

Anonymous said...

I don't care what they do in Switzerland. In Australia, we don't go around slapping sleeping girls in the face with penises, uninvited. It's called sexual assault. Go live in Switzerland if dirty sanchez turns you on so much (clearly, you seem very excited about the smell of a streak of shit under your nose).

Anonymous said...

Just a question...

Why hasn't Perry been kicked out. I saw her kiss Ash when he did not want to be kissed. Isn't that sexual harassment? It's not on the same level but it is just that bitches get away with more than blokes.

Anonymous said...

you're every movement is being watched...but somehow in a blink of twilight insanity they decide to hold a chick down and crack her arross the face with 2inches of laughable manlihood.

All three are idiots, but as usual a girl can never be the culprit in a sexual assult situation..(sarcasm)

Anonymous said...

bob your probobly 40 and never had sex, grow a dick and use it.


which she proprbly did and these boys get branded as rapists, bloody hell.

Anonymous said...

Clearly it was juust a joke, a turkey slap so get over it. They shouldnt have been thrown out for it

Anonymous said...

its about time there was something over the top. because the show has become the most boring television since lawn bowls!

Anonymous said...

cool, I love how everyone who thinks a turkey slap is okay has actually experienced a penis flapping against their own face, and is volunteering to tkae Camillas place... I think all of you would just looove the feel of someone elses smelly flacid penis in your face (I just kow you are all boys saying this- think about this: would you like me to just walk up and slap you in the face with my flaps uninvited??) She said in the middle of it "this is not cool guys", so umm... what part of that is unclear??

Anonymous said...

Thank fuck that there is talk of the show getting taken off the air... This show insults the intellegence of anyone in Australia that has half a brain!!

If you want to watch someone being forced to have oral sex well you must be sadly fucked in the head!! This is not TV!! This is perverse dribble... Lets hope the pollies meet on Monday to discuss the current sensorship laws.

If you want to watch porno or anything else like that then you have to pay for it. It has no place on Free To Air Television where there is the risk of viewing by minors.

If you pay for porno then it is your responsibility to make sure that it is not viewed by minors. Just that it is the sensors responsibility to ensure that minors are not exposed to it.

Like i said earlier hopefully sanity prevails and the show is cut effective immediately..

Anonymous said...

I totally don't agree that if Camilla or any other girl flashed their parts or shoved them in a guy's face he'd love it and it'd be put on AO if it was still on.

This incident is a crock of shit and BB is just making it worse by holding back details. It'll come out eventually what really happened and whether Camilla cared about it but atm nobody can actually say either way whether it was okay or not because nobody knows what happened so there's no point speculating.

Anonymous said...

i think the recent events is not a reason for them to cancel bb all together thats taking it a little far dont you think...... sure what they did was wrong but who knows the full story its all being covered up like everything else that goes on ..... first they axe bb uncut because some ppl didnt like it ... idea for them change the channel .... cutting bb for good isnt the way to go for someones stupid imature behaviour

Anonymous said...

Firstly, too all of the losers - who appear to be boys/men (?) - that seem to have a sore point when it comes to women reporting/accusing someone of sexual assault: why do you know so much about the topic? Is it perhaps that you have be involved in some unwanted conduct??? Grow up and take some responsibility for your sad, lonely and unf*ckable self!

Secondly - the law is in place for a reason. As black and white as that is, when it comes to sexual assault, there is no rationalising it...there has either been a law broken or not.

Thirdly - we are not going to hear the end of this for quite a while, and I hope that Camilla is ok. I also hope that Ash & John are learning their life lesson, but that the matter is dealt with respectfully for them...this is BB though so not much chance of any of this happening

Anonymous said...

This is so sad. I know we won't know the details until later, if EVER. I just hope that Camilla is okay if she was in anyway violated, and that John and Ash were 'justly' removed from the house, and that it wasn't just random silliness that made them have to go.

Anonymous said... important thing missing.....if camilla is ok. Then stfu. omg. and from what i heard Cam thought it was funny. If Camilla wasn;t upset then why whee the 2 boys kicked out. I mean didn't Michael do sort of the same thing?

Anonymous said...

I don't think Camilla is aware that the guys have been "removed" because of this incident.

Not even the other housemates who are left in the house.

Camilla didn't even report the matter to big brother. It was big brothers choice to "remove" them. I just think it's a publicity stunt and the guys have been payed well for not saying anything further to the media about the matter.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Camilla should have been consulted as to what action, or "punishment" was to be taken out on the boys. It may have all just been in good fun - who remembers the "squashed frog" incident?
John already has 2 strikes - fair enough he's gone - 3 and you're out. Why wasn't Ash just given a strike?
what about when all the house mates were imitating thhe "chicken flap" with the girl flapping her arms with the two guys by her sides prtending to squeeze their dicks? Isn't that the same?
Where is everyones sence of humour?
If Camilla felt violated in any way, then fair enough, take such actions as booting them off... But has anyone actuallt consulted Camilla regarding this?

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of knobs on that show. Maybe Gretel will turn to the teenage crowd at Dreamworld on the Gold Coast and get them all to mimic the act like they all copied Sarah-Marie's bumdance. I can hear her narration: "Two boys evicted - who will be next?!" (Dah dah DAH dah dah dah DAH duh DAH)

I'm appalled by all of this, almost as much as I am by the fact that the 9/11 attacks in New York in 2001 were a self-inflicted black op covertly perpetrated by portions of the Bush administration on themselves V FOR VENDETTA style following months of preparation to enable them to fulfill their 'Project for a New American Century' dream of inciting war against the Middle East. Perhaps the remaining Big Brother contestants are experts on this matter and can give us their opinion on Webster Tarpley's book 9/11 SYNTHETIC TERROR (available from Amazon) when they debrief en masse live on stage. I'm sure the footy fans in the show and in the audience are familiar with this theory, just as I know that Channel 10 will be scheduling interviews with Alex Jones (and 9/11 truth supporting celeb Charlie Sheen) after THE SIMPSONS on a nightly basis for the rest of the year.

If Howard joins Bush's war against Iran, can we have a stylishly-dressed Gretel on screen each night grinning "Big Brother is watching you!" as ASIO folk kick down the door of left-wing commies guilty of newly enacted sedition laws? Let it happen, Channel 10!

Anonymous said...

What shits me is the fact that Camilla sits there talking about all the dirty and disgusting things she has done in life with males and females, and for a normal girl with less sexual experiances i'm sure it might be gross, but come on to remove people is a bit harsh. John was my favourite and i wasted money on trying to save him when he was up for eviction, i want my money back!!!

Anonymous said...

Big Brother has a contract for one more season. The company that produces it is Cutting Edge Productions and they will be doing it for another year.

Anonymous said...

If they did what they are supposed to have done then they shoudl be arrested. It is rape!
Whether Camilla reported it or not actually has nothing to do with it if she did not consent.
There are all sorts of reasons why she may not hae chosen to report it....including the capricious way BB deals with complaints and criticism.
Like many women she may just have felt he woulodn't deal with it properly.
I hope the show is axed

Anonymous said...

As a guy I am really concerned by comments on this page. Any form of unwanted sexual advance is unacceptable, let alone the sexual advance of two men whose judgement may well have been impaired by the consumption of alchol. Would you be so dismissive if it where your sister or a close friend of yours. Get Real.

Anonymous said...

If it didnt offend Camilla. If she states that it was concentual. No problem. Then bring the boys back. No harm done.
Just throw that opinionated witch Killeen in the house, and turkey slap her. It might take the bags out from under her eyes, and actually give her something valid to whine about!

Anonymous said...

There are pix at:

Anonymous said...

anyone claiming camilla got what she asked for should be totally ashamed of themselves... i hate the way empowered females are always labelled as slags or whores, if it was a guy u would b worshipping him, camilla was ASLEEP wen it happened, she couldn't possibly hav bin askin 4 anything

Anonymous said...

#BigBrother chatroom is now available for live discussion about the latest incident to rock the BB House >>> #BigBrother Chatroom

Anonymous said...

im upset from what occured, but fair is fair and all three involved should be evicted.

Anonymous said...

after watching what actually occured it is fair to say it all began as a big joke for all three parties, all three obviously broke the rules, i agree with the previous posting, all three should go.

Anonymous said...

screw all lebs and muslims. they all think forced sex is good

Anonymous said...

after watching what actually occured it is fair to say it all began as a big joke for all three parties, all three obviously broke the rules, i agree with the previous posting, all three should go.

I'am with you mate

Anonymous said...

all three involved should be evicted.

Anonymous said...

all 3, i agree, camilla should not be given the opportunity to get any prizes. john and ash werent.

Anonymous said...

What did camilla do wrong for people say she should be evicted. I can't see any rules she broke. She will probably get a sympathy vote on monday and not be nominated.

Anonymous said...

7.12pm posting, do you watch the show or not..she said what happened. she played the game and broke the rules and therefore should go, common now.

Anonymous said...

Wow. A woman is a dirty slut and a whore for enjoying sex. Yet a man is what? A stud? Get out of the 18th century people. I've noticed those who label women whore's for enjoying sex are usually just people who can't get laid. Pull your heads out of the sand and stop using this as a cheap shot at Camilla.

Having said that, what Ash and John did was off. If Camilla was a willing participant then she should go too, if she wasn't then the public humiliation Ash and John are being served up should be punishment enough.

Anonymous said...

Regardless of what happened, i can't find a spot of information online (i.e i can't find any photos or videos). someone has cleaned up good!!!

Anonymous said...

fckin publicy stunt for big bro coz its the most shittest show on tv!its all planned for more viewers..i wonder how many people gonna watch it now ehh!its a conspricy by the bb, ten and the gov to send more subliminel messages into our heads!dont give in to it!fight the urge to watch a load of fabricated shit!

Anonymous said...

i fuckng agree mate!its all planned in away for more ratings!and them messages you speak of!so true after watching the evictionshow today i had the URGE to fucking go and buy BB merchendise of there website!WTF

Anonymous said...

Housemates are settling down to sleep. Darren mentions the words "naughty arrow." Gaelan repeats these words before Camilla says "I'd like you to put your naughty arrow near me." Gaelan makes reference to the movie Mr & Mrs Smith.

Camilla says "There was one PE teacher that always use to keep me behind." Camilla goes onto tell the housemates that a few girls were always asked to stay behind and it was pretty obvious what the teacher wanted to do. Camilla says the teacher was in his early 20's. Camilla says he was hot.

At this moment John and Ashley, sleeping across from Camilla and Darren, tell Camilla to come over to them. She gets out of bed and says "What are you doing? You're not going to fart on me are you?" Ashley says, "No. Better."

Camilla climbs onto the bed and again asks whats going on. They are all laughing and Ashley again says nothing. John tells Camilla to "Lie down and shut your eyes." Ashley repeats the sentence. Camilla says "Why? You're not going to turkey slap me are you?" Ashley says "No". Camilla says "You are you liars. Let me in". She climbs into the bed. Camilla says "I'll hurt you if you do."

As soon as she is fully down in the bed, John puts his arms around her to keep her down. He tells Ashley to "Go. Turkey slap her." Ashley gets on his knees, pulls down his pants, grabs his penis and slaps Camilla's head with it. Ashley and John laugh. Camilla says "Hey, you little shit". Camilla half sits up in the bed and informs the rest of the bedroom "I just got turkey slapped." Camilla lies back down in the bed saying "You guys are mean to me." Ashley says "It was funny though." Camilla repeats "It was mean." Camilla seems to be pinching John's nipple under the covers when the video finishes.

Anonymous said...

i've just watched the video of john, ash and camilla. and although i don't agree with the act that took place i'm sad to say that camilla was fully involved even guessing what the boys were going to do to her before she laid down and also laughing after the incident and telling the other housemates what had happened. all 3 should be given the same punishment whether that be eviction or some other form of punishment.

Anonymous said...

well young females running around half naked /topless and young men whose hormones are hitting the a confined space ... PFFT ! this is a joke get a life the 2 Michaels 'aka' John and Ashley and Camilla..2!

Anonymous said...


well all I can say is I turn on the TV & see Big Brother and think RAPE RAPE RAPE. The very fact that they continue the show tells us that they have no respect for women or womens rights. A class action will commence shortly. It has affected my family & friends.

Anonymous said...

maybe the boys were just trying to help her out with her hideous ACNE!

Anonymous said...

After seeing the clip, there wasn't any sexual misconduct. They were all horsing around.

I don't know what the big deal is since Katie and Jamie supposely had oral sex on the show(I didn't see it). What John, Ash & Camilla were doing is not much different.

BB is all about entertainment. Some people like it, others don't. Personnell I like to watch the Friday night games because they are so hilarious.

Anonymous said...

It's a fucking joke!!! John and Ash got booted for NO reason. Camilla thought it was a joke and even after she knew they were going to turkey slap her she got into bed. It was a bit of fun and everything has been blown out of proportion.

FUCK BB!!!!!!!!!
kiujynh nm

vfio niobverf'

FUCK BB!!!!!
FUCK BB!!!!!
FUCK BB!!!!!
FUCK BB!!!!!
FUCK BB!!!!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

the way big brother/channel 10 has handled this pathetic. at no stage should gretel have wished those to pieces of **** the best. and frankly im not suprised that camilla didnt report it. i wouldnt be suprised if she was "coerced" by the shows producers not to report it. after all look what will happen if something like this was reported. the show would be finished and have a huge black mark against it.
the simple fact is the show should be axed now, the housemates recieve no prizemoney and ashley and john be charged with sexual assault.

Anonymous said...

How the HELL IS THIS appropriate for television whether this is online or broadcast over the air. Remembering you can view the BB house live at any time of the day on earth can anyone say this is anyone's fault but the guys...absolutely foul when they new this was going all over Australia...the show should be cut immediately otherwise channel ten are promoting this sort of action without charge. I refuse to watch this rubbish and anyone with any sort of education should too.

Anonymous said...

agreed, channel ten MAKE MONEY OUT OF THIS RUBBISH...they dont show this program for anyones enjoyment.

Anonymous said...

what a great fukkin piece of marketing by channel 1o.the show is the most lame one fat no one one socialists or dweeby intellectuals...just fukkin white boring bland teenagers with nothing to talk about but clothes,sex and money..what thefuck then is all the fuss rules the roost. Australia teenagers wanna get laid...this video is ridiculous ..there fukking around having a great time..egging each other on...what the fuck has this video got to do with rape or sexual assault//// all those screaming about this type of shit obviously have not seen the footage. get a life...its teenagers having fun.
sure if this is outside of the boundaries of big brothers good taste guidelines then throw them all out but get over it..treat them equally channel 10 and get over your outdated conservative attitudes. you cant have ya cake and eat it to.

Anonymous said...

I was only saying to a co-worker the other day how this show is dragging our society's morals down.
With comment's from Dave re; anal munching etc among others this show has hit an all time low. Think about how this crap is affecting us, would any self respecting person find it acceptable to discuss these fetish type sexual issues in an open forum before they were aired on BB?? of course not!!!! How about having a giggle with your co-workers male or female about this crap. No it would have been found to be unacceptable and downright offensive!!! but now because channel 10 have aired this on public tv we find that we are only too comfortable sharing our new found debauchery with all & sundry.
So as our moral ethics slowly drift down the shit-house I salute all you wombats who support BB and his stand for sexual freedom and by the way I don't watch this crud but am affected by it by having to listen to the people who do, relating the sexual deviations of the cast. I don't choose to tune in to it but it still affects my stay in MY HOUSE.

Anonymous said...

I have to post here because BB has locked down the site.

Free speech now costs $20!

One question...

If Ash and John think their behaviour was just fun. Go in and slap your mum on her face with your dick and see if she and the family laughs.

Anonymous said...

get a life dick head

Anonymous said...

day 11 big brother camilla was joking about how her ex boyfriend was turkey slapping her...

Anonymous said...

i would just like to say that for those people tuning in to the big brother live feed at 4.00am in the morning were obviously tuned in to see, lets say, some action..... and that said, these are the people complaining about what they saw..have a look at yourselves, what were you watching at that time to see otherwise?????

Anonymous said...

@ least I'm prepared not to remain anonymous!

Dickhead? It wasn't me waving my dick around was it? Does that mean you think it's fun too?

The front page of the newspaper or 6pm news is not watching BB @ 4am.

Here's the link dickhead and it aint 4am:

Anonymous said...

BB has been an issue with the media for a couple of weeks now. It's been fashionable for politicians to pass public judgement on the show. I first heard about the 'turkeyslap' via the ABC radio and immediatly jumped online to suss things out. Try as I might to find the vision, I noted many related sites had shutdown.
I was very surprised to to notice it was on the HeraldSuns and The Age's front page but was agahst to see it was the main news item on Channel Nine's news tonight. Showing the whole freaking video at that time of day!

My point....,BB IS fun. The authorities never like it when we have too much fun. Things had been coming to a head for a while now.

Anonymous said...

hey lynton, how much fun do you reckon it is to try and shield your 9 & 11 yr old kids from turkey slapping/ sexual assault discussion spread all over the media. You're kidding yourself if you think they aren't picking up on this shit and it starts them thinking and asking questions too which we as parents have to try and answer. I don't give a frig how advanced people think our society is, kid's should not have to be exposed to this garbage.
Any kids watching this show at any timeslot is exposed to vulgar language, sexual innuendo, argumentative behavior, disrespect and backstabbing from supposed friends and housemates.
GREAT way to bring our children,the next generation up. BILLY

Anonymous said...

onamish...get a life dick head..i agree. what were you thinking providing such a statement about slapping your dick across your mums face..wanker, what happened in the house was funny, camilla thought it was funny, the whole house thought it was funny...the media only got wind of it because the dead beats watching at 4.00am complained about it, dick head..get a life..we have to worry about people like you posting things like dick slapping your with the dick head poster...

Anonymous said...

well billy, all i can say to u is...turn the fucking tv off. dont you have control of your kids, they cant watch it if you say no...

omg, doesnt anyone know how to turn their tv over a channel..jeepers there is always death and stalking and some sort of terrible stuff happening on home and away, or neighbours for example..murder, sex, a girl whom sleeps with both brothers and still gets pregnant..i love these shows, but i would turn them off if i didnt...its easy

Anonymous said...

HEY CORKHEAD can't you read???
I stated that ALL children are affected by the media splatter that abounds from this show. My children DON'T watch this crap as I do control their viewing and I know that I can change the channel you drip!! In case u haven't noticed it is all over the airways and newspapers which I'm pretty sure no parent can control!!!!!
One thing I hate about chatrooms is dribbleheads like you who follow the head sheep and keep stating the fukng obvious!!!!! BILLY

Anonymous said...

whats even better BILLY, is that most of us watch the dripple people like you write, its humorous, and thats why the person posting above you got up your nose, because U r an easy target whom rights rubbish...i can control what my children watch and obviously that person posted above you can, really is funny people always use the "children" line. kids who r old enough to understand what is being said are old enough to have it explained in a decent manner, kids too young wouldnt understand the hipe to begin with. dont get angry with people posting their statements.

Anonymous said...

I only get cranky when people state the obvious.
At least I'm making a stand against what I believe to have got out of hand, not just following the leader and stating what's fashionable like the person before me.
Just because children may seem to understand something does'nt make them adjusted to the complexities of adult sexual behaviour. BILLY
P.S Let's not cram it down their throats, they grow up quick enough.

Anonymous said...

11:02 - have you ever thought of going back to school and learning to not only read, but actually understand what was being said.

What is the definition of Everyone, and when you work it out maybe you can pull your mates dick from outta your ear.

Those that think it's all cool for their kids to be exposed to it and actually endorse it... In a few years time when your kids in court don't try and hide or blame Big Brother!

Anonymous said...

ok billy, your right, point taken.

Anonymous said...

omnash, i have read your comments and the other persons' comments and the horrible sexual ref that come from you are ten times worse than anything anyone has writen. to my understanding yes everyone in the big brother house was finding it funny when camilla sat forward and said laughing, they just turkey slapped me. maybe you should read a little further into peoples comments instead of getting your back up and making rude crude comments.

Anonymous said...

well i agree, those crude remarks from omnash are by far the worst.

Anonymous said...

I'm actualy over the BB incident but I came back to this page to see what had been posted since I last commented. Good to see clear evidence of the utteer failure of our school system to teach literacy, logic and basic morality. How dum are youse? Some of youse are real fukt in da hed.

Anonymous said...

Okay, if you don't get it...
Go in to your sisters bedroom and do it to her? Did she think it was funny?

Anonymous said...

Thanx guys I get a tad frustrated when people don't listen to what is said (posted). I never had a problem with the earlier BBs as I thought they were funny and educational in a psycological manner. I hope the producers see the error of their ways and modify their editing policies. Either that or I hope the pollies remove it in it's current format and place it where it belongs (flushing noise)... BILLY