Important Facts To Know So Far: - Michelle has fake breasts and fake hair and she let everyone touch them to prove it.
- Gianna on the other hand claims hers are real despite Michael claiming they felt like a brick in a bra after he touched them.
- "Having a stick" is currently the frontrunner to be the term used to describe masturbation in the house this year.
- Glenn is a Degrassi Junior High Fan.
- Christie lives with her ex-boyfriend's family... Weird.
Anyone else gathered any other strange information so far?
Yeah, you're a bitch. You shouldn't have needed to ask.
Glenn is also a Ship to Shore fan...
Gianna is an ugly dumb skank! her boobs are as fake as she is! I hope she gets voted out first!
does anyone no when bb uncut is on?i like seeing doodles haha
My guess is that it will be either next wednesday or thursday night, 9.30/10.30pm
Uncut: Monday's at 9.30...
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